Basic Scan


To start the basic scan follow these steps

  • Choose the Basic Scan from the left navigation bar.
  • Enter the URL which you want to scan and click on Scan.
  • With the click of the scan, you will get 1 pop-up, provide input in all of them.

Provide all details

  • Scan Configuration
  • Authentication
  • Scan Configuration: Concurrent Request to send the number of parallel request, Web Crawler Timeout lets you set timeout for the crawling request send, Scan Request Timeout lets you set the timeout for the scan.

    Authentication: For authentication we have several mode which are as follows

    • Fetch session cookie from proxy.
    • Manually enter session cookie.
    • Simple form authentication.
    • Complex authentication
  • After the scan is completed, you can generate the report and save the data externally.

Report Generation

To generate the report follow these steps :

  • Right-click over the scanned host and click Generate Report.
  • This will generate the report in the html format.
  • Save the file in your prefferred location.

Saving scan externally

There we have two option to save the scanned data extenally. To save the scan data follow these steps

  • After the completion of the scan we get notification to save the data. To save click on ok and choose the preffered location and save the data.
  • To save afterwards Right-click over the scanned host and click on the Save and choose the preffered locaiton.
  •     Full Scan
  • Penetration Testing